Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow over Day 69

Two February dumps
Of a half-foot or more
Have secured snowcover
On the valley floor.

Monday, February 10, 2014


What becomes of all this data 
These images and videos
The words and numbers
Tweets and posts and conversations
Of this existence
Its memory
When the hardware fails?
Is it all backed up in heaven?
Archived forever in the clouds?
A small contribution
To some massive multiplayer meme?
Or does it evaporate
Like a dream upon waking
Into empty space?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Waxing Moon

Beneath a waxing moon
Dreams may grow.
This is the time for planting seeds
Putting on new clothes
And making a difference.


Pinned to a globe
That spins and wobbles
As it revolves in orbits
All of this is by nature seasonal.
There is no inclination or investment 
No badger or butterfly 
Motor or mountain
That doesn't rock with the seasons
All of it spirals endlessly
Into tomorrows..

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow Blanket

This blanket of snow
A foot deep now
Insulates the ground below
And chills the air above.